Joshua Banks

Joshua Banks

Joshua Banks

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About Our Pastor

Hello Everyone! My name is Joshua Banks. I am married to my beautiful wife Amanda. We have been married for about 15 years. She and I have 5 wonderful children: Haley, Colton, Caden, Elianna, and Coda.

I have worked in construction for most of my life. I have worked as a floor man like my father installing tile, carpet, and ceramic. Also I have worked as an iron worker helper and maintenance helper.

I was converted at an early age, and went to church most of my life. For a time, I strayed away from church until I was around 21. This was around the time my father was diagnosed with lung cancer. My dad passed away soon after. It was a very trying time for me, but one that the Lord used to draw me back to Him. I started attending Fountain of Life Bible Church in Johnson City through the invitation of family of ours. I had a hunger to learn and grow in Christ. The churches I attended early on in my life did not appeal to me much at all, and I wasn’t challenged to learn. My cousin’s husband, Richard Hawkins, began teaching me and disciplining me. He was always available and willing to answer any questions that I had. I did not have anyone beforehand that could answer some of the questions I had about the Christian faith. Richard was very well studied and could help me with the hard questions I had. It was Richard and his wife Jackie that had invited us to begin attending Fountain of Life. From there I learned a great deal from the pastor Dr. Vic Young. Dr.Young put a great deal of emphasis on biblical education, and encouraged those within his congregation to go to Bible College. Once I began attending Bible College and learning more and more, I had a hunger to teach others of all that I had the privilege to learn. The church had given me different opportunities to teach the young children as well as teaching in the sanctuary to the adults. I was then asked by the leadership of the church to pray about becoming the full-time Youth Pastor. After much prayer, I took the position at the church. I served in this position from 2008 until this past January 2012. I was also ordained on June 15, 2011, which was the birthday of my father.

I resigned from Fountain of Life to start Shepherd’s Rock Bible Church, and our first service was held in February, 2012. I am very grateful for having the opportunity to serve at Fountain of Life and have learned much from being under the teaching and tutelage of Dr. Vic Young. My hope in establishing this church is to provide an environment for those to come to learn more about God and His word as well as using the gifts and talents that the Lord has given them to minister to others.

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